DIY Homemade Liquid Hand Soap with Essential Oils


You’re here hoping to make fluid hand cleanser, isn’t that so? That is so extraordinary! I can hardly wait to impart to you how to make fluid hand cleanser. I love making my own beauty and personal hygiene items, and I realize you will as well!

There are a few things that are so natural to make yourself once you get it down. Something or other is fluid hand cleanser.

I usually make foaming hand soap, yet I simply love the look of mason container soap gadgets, so I needed to make a good liquid hand soap formula as well.

The formula I’m imparting to you works truly well and it’s anything but difficult to make regardless of whether you’re new to making your own custom made excellence items.

Probably the best thing about making your own DIY beauty and personal hygiene items are that you can pick natural fragrances using essential oils. While this formula requires lavender and tea tree essential oils, don’t hesitate to substitute your favorite oils.

This season, cinnamon and orange can be a pleasant blend. So can spearmint and fir needle. Regardless of which essential oil aromas you pick, this DIY liquid hand soap is very saturating and scents extraordinary!

If you go with the written essential oils, tea tree oil is purifying and the lavender is exceptionally relieving. This fluid hand soap makes an extraordinary DIY gift idea and these adorable labels would be an ideal last touch.

DIY Homemade Lavender and Tea Tree Liquid Hand Soap

This DIY hand soap is anything but difficult to make and you can alter it with your preferred essential oils as well.


  • 3/4 cup Castile Soap
  • 3/4 cup distilled water
  • 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil
  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil or jojoba oil
  • 10-15 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 5-10 drops lavender essential oil


Somewhat little artisan container

Bricklayer bottle soap siphon top