Don’t throw away the orange peels, put them in a jar and add a little vinegar: it’s worth gold in the house.


In the realm of eco-conscious cleaning solutions, the dynamic duo of orange peels and vinegar emerges as a valuable asset for various household chores, providing a sustainable alternative to conventional cleaners.

As the colder months set in and our consumption of oranges rises to combat seasonal ailments, the often-discarded orange peels hold untapped potential for enhancing our home care routine. Not only do they offer a natural solution to cleaning challenges, but they also contribute to reducing waste and promoting environmental sustainability.

Unlocking the Potential: Rich in essential oils and citrus properties, orange peels can be repurposed in a remarkably effective way when combined with vinegar, a known natural cleanser. This powerful concoction creates a potent cleaning agent that not only tackles grime but also contributes a delightful citrus aroma, transforming the cleaning process into a more pleasant experience. Additionally, harnessing the natural properties of orange peels and vinegar eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, making it safer for both the environment and our health.

Recipe for Orange Peel Vinegar Cleaner: Ingredients:

  • Orange peels
  • Vinegar
  • A jar


  1. Prepare the Peels: After enjoying the fruit, save and tear the orange peels into smaller pieces, ensuring that any remaining pulp is removed to prevent mold formation during the infusion process.
  2. Combine with Vinegar: Place the orange peel pieces into a clean, dry jar and pour enough vinegar to fully submerge them, ensuring that all the peels are covered. Choose a high-quality vinegar with a higher acidity level for maximum cleaning power.
  3. Let It Infuse: Seal the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a cool, dark place to infuse for approximately 2-3 weeks, allowing the orange peels to release their essential oils and beneficial compounds into the vinegar. During this time, gently shake the jar occasionally to agitate the mixture and enhance the infusion process.
  4. Strain and Store: After the infusion period, carefully strain the liquid through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean container, separating the infused vinegar from the spent orange peels. Transfer the strained vinegar into a clean spray bottle for convenient use, ensuring that it is properly labeled for future reference.

Utilizing Your Orange Peel Vinegar Cleaner: This naturally derived solution is particularly effective on a variety of surfaces, including countertops, sinks, appliances, and even windows. The acidity of the vinegar helps to dissolve tough stains and mineral deposits, while the citrus oils from the orange peels add a fresh scent and boost the cleaning power. Simply spray the solution onto the desired surface, allow it to sit for a few minutes to loosen dirt and grime, then wipe clean with a damp cloth or sponge for sparkling results.

Why Opt for This Method?

Eco-Friendly: By repurposing food waste and reducing the need for chemical-based cleaning products, this method helps to minimize our environmental impact and promote a more sustainable lifestyle.

Cost-Effective: Making your own orange peel vinegar cleaner allows you to save money by utilizing ingredients that are readily available in your kitchen, eliminating the need for expensive commercial cleaners.

Versatile: This cleaning solution is not only effective for oranges but can also be adapted to other citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, or grapefruits, providing flexibility based on personal preferences or seasonal availability.

In Conclusion:

As we embrace the benefits of oranges during the colder months, let’s also seize the opportunity to incorporate this simple yet innovative cleaning solution into our homes. Not only does it offer a natural and effective way to maintain cleanliness, but it also allows us to contribute to a healthier planet by reducing waste and embracing sustainable practices in our daily lives. So, the next time you enjoy a juicy orange, remember that its peel holds the key to a cleaner, greener future for us all.

image source : Barbara O’Neill Lectures