Frustrated Mom Speaks Out After Being Unable To Enroll Son In School Due to Hair Policy


Schools have rules. This is true of all schools, but the policies set in place vary greatly from school to school and district to district. While one thing might be fine at one school, if a student moves to another school district, they might have to adapt to a new set of rules.

Sometimes the rules a school makes are meant to keep the students safe and to create a positive atmosphere on campus. Other times, the rules simply seem outdated and even discriminatory. For example, sometimes schools make rules around what is and is not okay when it comes to a student’s appearance. Sure, a school can have a dress code, but sometimes that dress code is too restrictive and not necessary.

Desiree Bullock and her son moved from Ohio to East Bernard, Texas. After they moved, Bullock planned to enroll her son in East Bernard High School. She never expected to have a problem with the enrollment process.

Her son is a good kid. He wants to go to school. Unfortunately, due to one of the school’s policies, Bullock didn’t even finish filling out the enrollment paperwork. Instead, she has been homeschooling her son.

Bullock is speaking out about the school’s policy and why she feels it needs to change. The policy in question is one about acceptable hair styles for male students. The policy states that male students must have their hair cut above their ears. Her son refuses to cut his hair, and she does not feel that he should have to cut it simply to attend high school.

Do you think it’s discriminatory to require male students to have their hair cut above their ears?

Does your local school district have any policies that you think are outdated and should be changed?