German Shepherd Finds a Forever Home After 2,381 Days in a Shelter


In a heartwarming tale of hope and perseverance, Higgins, a senior German Shepherd, has finally found his forever home after spending an astounding 2,381 days in a shelter. Despite the odds stacked against him, his story serves as a poignant reminder of the love and loyalty older dogs can offer to those who open their hearts and homes to them.

Higgins’ Rough Journey:

Higgins’ journey was far from easy. Originally adopted as a young puppy, he suffered neglect and mistreatment in his first home. Chained up to a dog house, he endured a life devoid of care and compassion. After a year, he was found as a stray, returning to the shelter he had once hoped to leave behind. Yet, no one came looking for him, and his previous owners seemed indifferent to his plight.

The Shelter Experience:

Higgins’ return to the shelter marked a significant turning point in his life. Despite the better treatment he received there, it was still a far cry from the loving home he so desperately needed. The memories of his isolated past made him somewhat antisocial, which discouraged potential adopters. His worried expression, visible from his kennel, caused many to overlook him in search of younger, more energetic companions.

The Shelter’s Unwavering Belief:

Throughout Higgins’ long stay at the shelter, Leslie Renner, the executive director of The Humane Society of Preble County in Ohio, remained undeterred. She continued to share his pictures on social media, convinced that the right person would one day fall in love with him. Renner’s unwavering dedication played a crucial role in ensuring Higgins had a chance to find a loving home.

A Match Made in Heaven:

After an astounding seven years in the shelter, a 22-year-old named Brendon Reed saw Higgins’ picture on social media and felt an instant connection. He couldn’t understand how such a beautiful and loving dog had gone unnoticed for so long. Reed, who had recently acquired his own home, was determined to give Higgins the love and care he deserved.

A Loving Home:

Reed went above and beyond to create a welcoming atmosphere for Higgins in his new home. He provided a soft, fluffy couch for Higgins to relax on and enjoy television time together. Watching Higgins run playfully in the backyard and roll around in the grass brought immense joy to both of them. The shelter’s anguish and uncertainty became a distant memory as Higgins settled into his forever home, feeling truly loved and cherished.

The Message of Hope:

Higgins’ story is a testament to the love and companionship older dogs can offer. They may have less energy than puppies, making them ideal for people with busy lifestyles. Their contented nature allows for cuddles on the couch and a quieter life. However, it’s essential to remember that older dogs may require more specialized care and veterinary attention as they age.


In the end, Higgins’ story serves as a reminder that every dog, regardless of age, deserves a loving home. Thanks to the dedication of shelter volunteers and the compassion of a caring individual like Brendon Reed, Higgins found the second chance he so desperately needed. It is a heartwarming reminder of the power of love and the joy that comes from providing a forever home to a senior dog in need.