Here’s the proper way to stimulate your hand to relieve neck and shoulder pain

Most people don’t know that neck and shoulder pain is most likely generated from their hands. Everyday habits like writing, typing, pointing or talking on a cell phone, according to Jill Miller the creator of YOGA TUNE-UP, causes tension in hands that gets transferred to shoulders and neck.
Jill Miller explained in an episode of the Oprah Winfrey show, the proper way to use a tennis ball to sooth neck and shoulder pain.
All you need to do is to take a tennis ball and place it on a table or a desk, then press the joining point of the hand with the thumb against the tennis ball. Start rolling the ball multiple times in order to open the junction. It is important to note that this procedure is going to make you feel uncomfortable, that is why you should not panic and stop. That is a sign indicating that stress is exiting your hand.
When you are done, start rotating your hand as if you are juicing an orange. Continue this motion for a couple of minutes, then stand up and raise your arms over your head. Try to see if the hand that you just trained is stretching back farther than the other one. If it does, then congratulations you did it right and this is an indication of increased flexibility.
This practice is a form of acupressure. There is another pressure point in your hand that can help you with your neck pain, it is called the HIDDEN VALLEY, it can be found in the skin that lays between your forefinger and thumb. To trigger the pressure point, you have to lightly press your left-hand knuckles against the center of your right hand’s palm, then use your left hand’s thumb to press the soft part of your skin, under the web that lays between your thumb and forefinger, for a couple of minutes, then do the same thing to your other hand.


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