How do you keep your kitchen so clean that your friends will want to know your secret?


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, the kitchen often bears the brunt of our activities, becoming a battleground of spills and messes. But fear not, for maintaining order in this culinary haven is not an insurmountable task.

With a strategic cleaning routine, gleaned from the wisdom of Clean My Space, you can conquer kitchen chaos in just 10 minutes a day, ensuring that your cooking sanctuary remains a beacon of cleanliness and functionality.

Step 1: Begin each day by initiating a fresh start in your kitchen. Unload the dishwasher, bidding farewell to the remnants of last night’s culinary exploits. This simple act primes your kitchen for the day ahead, ready to accommodate the inevitable influx of dirty dishes.

Step 2: Post-breakfast, seize a moment to wipe down counters and tables, restoring order to these central surfaces. A quick glance at the sink reveals any lingering dishes, swiftly dispatched to the awaiting dishwasher—a rapid reset for the day’s culinary endeavors.

Step 3: As the day progresses and the household reconvenes after work and school, ensure that clutter is kept at bay. Dispose of garbage, sanitize containers, and restore orderliness to your kitchen domain, fostering a serene and welcoming atmosphere for all.

Step 4: Conclude your evening routine by loading the dishwasher with the remnants of dinner, setting it to run overnight. Awaken to a kitchen primed for a new day of culinary exploration, with yesterday’s messes vanquished by the dishwasher’s diligent efforts.

Step 5: Following dinner, embark on a swift wipe-down of counters and conduct a cursory inspection of appliances and cabinets. These small yet proactive measures stave off the accumulation of grime, minimizing the need for arduous cleaning tasks in the future.

Step 6: Elevate your kitchen’s ambiance by ensuring it remains fragrant and fresh. Take out the garbage, replacing the bag with a pristine one—a task of mere moments with a substantial impact on your kitchen’s olfactory allure.

Step 7: Conclude your daily kitchen TLC with a flourish, attending to the finer details that elevate cleanliness to an art form. Straighten dish towels, replenish paper towels, or embark on a swift sweep of the floor—these finishing touches bestow a sense of completeness upon your culinary domain.

While it may seem daunting to adhere to these steps religiously, remember that consistency is key. Investing a few minutes each day in maintaining your kitchen’s cleanliness not only streamlines your daily routine but also fosters a happier and more enjoyable cooking and gathering space for you and your loved ones.


In conclusion, while it’s undeniable that kitchens can easily descend into chaos, they need not remain in a perpetual state of disorder. By implementing a simple yet effective cleaning routine like the one outlined above, you can reclaim control over your culinary domain with just 10 minutes of daily effort. From the morning reset to the evening tidying, each step contributes to maintaining a clean and welcoming space for cooking, dining, and gathering.

By embracing these practices, you not only ensure a more functional and hygienic kitchen but also cultivate a sense of harmony and well-being within your home. So, fear not the inevitable messes that come with kitchen activity—armed with a strategic cleaning routine, you can transform your kitchen into a haven of order and tranquility, ready to inspire culinary creativity and nourish the bonds of family and friendship.

image source : fanpage