How To Build A Swimming Pool Using Wood Pallets


The main supplies you will need for this project are about 40 wooden pallets (available in many places, including your local wood or renovation store), a pool pump and a tarp. You will also need other supplies such as plywood, nails, metal brackets and some basic tools. You don’t need to be a carpenter to do this project, but if you are a friend of one of them, see if they are willing to help you!

source: Easy Pallet Ideas

The first step of this project is to build the boundary of the pool. Next, you’ll fasten some supports so the boundary stays secure. You’ll also build steps using pallets and run the pump through to the pool using some basic pipes. The tarp lines the bottom and sides of the pool, ensuring the water doesn’t leak out anywhere.

source: Easy Pallet Ideas

You will end up with a pool that is significantly cheaper than most, which you can probably finish in a weekend if someone gives you a hand.