How To Clean Your Hair Brush In Minutes!


2. Taking the tip of the scissors, slide the scissors the long way underneath the hair and lift.  The hair should lift right up.  Continue until  all the hair has been removed.   Pull off any free strays.

Tip: Do not use a brush or another brush to expel the hair from your brush! This typically flies off the little globules that are on the highest point of your fibers. One those dots are gone, it sure doesn’t feel great when brushing your hair.

3.  Now, despite the fact that the vast majority of the cumbersome hair has been evacuated, there still is dander and residue on your brush.  Set your brush in a sink that has some warm water blended in with a limited quantity of cleanser.

4.  Taking an extra toothbrush, brush overwhelmingly here and there each line of your hair brush and furthermore all around the top.

5.  Set on a paper towel to dry and your brush should look like new.