As the New Year begins, a strong urge often arises within me to engage in some thorough home cleaning. My goal is not only to achieve a gleaming cleanliness but also to bid farewell to the clutter that has accumulated over time. Nevertheless, the prospect of cleaning can be quite overwhelming, leaving me unsure of where to commence. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, let me introduce you to the “1-Day Dump” approach.

Liz, the insightful mind behind Love + Marriage, introduces this method, which may appear somewhat unconventional but is undeniably the swiftest and most intensive strategy for decluttering your living space. Liz advocates that in each area of your home requiring a cleanup (typically every room), you should take the radical step of discarding nearly everything. By “everything,” I mean nearly all possessions—everything, save for the essential furniture and indispensable items like toothbrushes, toasters, TV remotes, and such. There’s no need to panic; these vital items are certainly exempt from the disposal. Label each trash container with the respective room’s name and store them in the basement.

The rationale behind this method lies in the notion that once a room is stripped bare, you’ll gradually identify what you truly require and rescue it from the clutches of the trash. Surprisingly, you’ll find that most items consigned to the trash bin won’t be missed. If you’re genuinely committed to conquering the clutter in your abode, the 1-Day Dump could be the ideal starting point!
How can you effectively organize a cluttered household?
Clearing out clutter from your home can be an intimidating endeavor, especially for those susceptible to feeling overwhelmed by excessive disarray. To expedite the process, consider these efficient tips for tidying up:
- Begin with the simplest tasks by focusing on one room at a time, dedicating just 20-minute intervals to each.
- Take it step by step, targeting one specific area of your home, such as the kitchen or living room, until it’s entirely decluttered.
- When decluttering, pose essential questions for each item: “Is this necessary? Will I use it again?”
- Channel your inner Marie Kondo and retain only possessions that spark joy; if an item doesn’t evoke such sentiments, it shouldn’t occupy valuable storage space.
- While storing belongings, adhere to the container principle, ensuring that you only store what can comfortably fit in the designated space.
The path to maintaining a clutter-free home:
To establish a routine for regular decluttering, compile an organizing checklist. Incorporating daily tasks into your schedule can also prevent clutter from accumulating.
Maintain a holistic perspective, focusing on broader objectives like keeping kitchen counters free of clutter, and encourage your family members to actively participate in the decluttering journey.
Another effective method for combating surface clutter is to minimize possessions wherever possible. For instance, we once had a chair near the entrance of our home that inadvertently became a catch-all for keys, letters, and various odds and ends. Relocating the chair to a less accessible location remarkably resolved the clutter issue.
Consider straightforward strategies like dedicating 15 minutes a day to tidying up or identifying and addressing the root causes of clutter as you work towards a more organized living environment.
pictures source : iStock / Less Is More Organizers / Shutterstock / Get Organized Wizard