How To Grow Hundreds Of Mandarins At Home


3. As a houseplant: You can grow tangerines from a seed. Just be aware that the fruit produced by this type of seed may not be very tasty. The tree can make a pretty (and beautiful smell) decorative plant, however. As a bonus: if your pets (or children) eat leaves, everything will be fine. The plant is non-toxic. The next time you buy a tangerine (or a lemon!),

4. Cut the fruit in half and save the largest seeds you can find. For best results, you should plant them as soon as possible to keep the seeds cool. Fill a pot with 3 to 4 inches of soil and plant all of your seeds about 1/2 inch deep.

5. Moisten the soil and cover the pot with plastic wrap (this will keep the soil moist).

6. Keep the pot out of direct sunlight. Once your first shoots appear (this can take up to two weeks), remove the plastic and plant it in a larger pot in a warm, sunny place. Water regularly, but be careful not to overwater them. Remember: patience is the key. These plants grow slowly.