Mosquitos are one of the most hated insects ever because of how annoying they are and because of their bites. People usually tend to use commercial repellents, but they most likely have dangerous chemicals in them. Instead, you can make this DIY mosquito repellent at home with a fairly cheap price and it won’t have any harmful chemicals in it at all.

- A slice of fresh orange
- 12-ounce mason jars
- A slice of fresh lime
- 8 ounces of water
- A tea candle
- 7 drops of orange essential oil
- A sprig of fresh rosemary
How to make the DIY mosquito repellant
Grab the jar and pour the water in it, then put the orange and lime slices in the jar but against the rides. Add in the sprig of rosemary next to the orange slice, then add in the essential oil. Take the tea light and remove its metal casing (you can also use a floating candle). Take off the wick from the water and place it in the water, then light the candle and you’re basically done. Keep in mind that the wider the jar the better because the candle will have more space to float in. If you are using a small jar, then add in more water to prevent impedance.