How to remove labels from glass bottles with an ingenious ingredient


Glass bottles are some of the most beautiful and easiest items to reuse, but removing their adhesive labels can be a real headache. When you’re trying to reuse a jar or bottle, but you know they won’t look as good with their label on, you’re willing to do anything to remove that label.

But sometimes even your best attempts are useless. Those tags are sticky and stubborn, and they don’t come off without a fight.

Even worse, sometimes you manage to peel the label off and remove part of it. The key word is “part.” While a large portion of the label can be removed, it is virtually impossible to remove the white layer underneath.

If you thought the label was difficult to peel off, that bottom layer will make things impossible.

Looking to remove that label, sticky and all? Well, there is a way! And it’s easier than you think. Green Talk shows us how to remove the stubborn sticker and make your glass shine with a basic household product. There’s no need for chemicals with this trick, all you need is something you probably have in your cabinet right now.

First, you need to rub this ingredient on the sticky part of the label with a cloth or paper towel. The second step is to use a Brillo brush to remove the residue; this is a crucial step because, although this ingredient will loosen the label, you’ll need some elbow grease to really get it off.

For good measure, be sure to repeat this process once or twice.

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Do you have your own method for removing sticky labels?

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