These days, human beings are exposed to a lot of chemicals because of industries cars’ exhausts, cleaning products, etc. An average person is exposed to 2.5 billion pounds of toxic chemicals every single year, and this exposure can cause fatigue, different aches, or weight gain. But, we should act and do something about it. One of the important procedures that we should do is detox to flush out the waste of our bodies.
Without further ado, here are 9 signs indicating that you need a detox.
Headaches are symptoms of many other problems like stress or dehydration, but the central nervous system can be irritated by toxins in the body and the result is headaches.
2.Bad breath/yellow teeth
Having a chemical buildup can push your body to generate a chronic bad breath and yellow teeth. Usually, the body can detoxify chemicals naturally, but we are not all the same. Some bodies can detoxify quickly, others can not.
3.Fluid retention
When chemicals are not ejected from the body, it can malfunction. The body can start swelling for example, and if you’re feeling congested, then that means that there are many toxins and chemicals in your body.
4.Muscle pain
If your body has toxins and chemicals, then you may experience muscles and joints pain. If you’re feeling chronic pain, then your body is dealing with a lot of toxins at once.