Kitchen Hacks That will save your life

Rear View Of A Young Woman Taking Food From Refrigerator

       The best thing in life is finding passion in everything we do, touching creativity in each action and in every step we make. Cooking is considered as a piece of art, the action of combining ingredients in order to produce delicious recipes full of flavors needs a hand full of love and talent; as well as old kitchen secrets (grandma’s cooking hacks) that I’ll share with you ladies to avoid so many problems that we all suffered from at a point.

“No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.”
― Laurie Colwin

I know how hard it is to be a woman, a mother or a grandmother! Everyone waits for us to be active and productive all day long, no one knows how tough it is to stand in the middle of the kitchen and do hundreds of tasks at the same time. It may be fun and inspiring, but living without knowing kitchen hacks may lead you to hate cooking even if you were a big fan of creating recipes and trying them out.

In order to save you from losing your mind, I’m going to share with you some kitchen hacks that I’m so grateful to know; They totally changed my cooking habits to the better!

Make sure to take notes Ladies! And why not use colorful pens like old times?

Feel free to Jot everything down!!

I’ll start with giving tips to organize kitchen materials and how to keep yourself and your family safe while using them.

Organizing Kitchen Materials :

There are so many storage options to save space, some of them doesn’t require a lot of efforts nor money!

Starting with Utensils, there are 2 types:

  • The ones used for cooking like, ladles, spatulas, peelers, serving spoons, tongs, knifes and etc.
  • The ones used in eating like spoons, forks and knifes.

In order to organize these utensils, I suggest you separate the ones used for cooking of the ones used in eating, put the cooking utensils close to your hands (They are more difficult to manage because of their shape and they take so much space).

  • Drawers would be perfect for such use (two large drawers if possible), stack the cooking utensils on top of one another in the first drawer; and for the eating utensils, store them in the bottom drawer (it is better to use drawer dividers to keep knifes, spoons and forks well separated).
  • Cooking utensils on hooks also looks pretty cool, if you got a pot rack, just find hooks in the same color and hang those cooking utensils! You’ll fall in love with the look at the end.

For Your Safety: