Mom Changed a Diaper on Her Friend’s Living Room Floor Without Asking and People Have Opinions About It


When you’re a mom, sometimes what you do becomes second nature. You don’t think twice about wiping drool off your baby’s chin or tickling its tummy to keep it from crying, you just do what feels right at the time.

For one mother, instinct kicked in when it came time to change her baby’s diaper; however, she was visiting a friend – a friend who is not a parent – when this happened.

When she realized during the visit that her baby needed to be changed, the woman immediately began to do so – on her friend’s living room floor, in the middle of a conversation.

The friend didn’t say anything to her friend when this happened, but mostly because she was in shock. But now she’s turning to the Internet because she’s pretty upset about it and wants to know if it’s inappropriate or not.

“In the middle of a pleasant conversation, it turns out that the 19-month-old baby needs to be changed and needs solid food,” the woman writes. “The boyfriend doesn’t interrupt the conversation, but takes out a small changing pad, wipes, etc., puts them on the carpet and brings fresh feces into my living room.

“Why is it okay to change a diaper in a living room and not in a perfectly good bathroom or even ANY other room where we don’t have tea?” she added.

And what does the internet have to say about this? Well, a lot. Thankfully, many people sided with the woman and said she had every reason to be angry.

“I don’t think it’s very nice when someone changes a smelly diaper in the same room as you while you’re drinking or eating (even though they like to do it at home, it’s their choice),” someone wrote on her friend’s page. “The smell is persistent, so it’s just polite to ask if you can do it somewhere else.

Others, likely other parents, however, felt that their friend was probably just doing this out of habit and wondered why the woman was so upset about it.

“Even though I wouldn’t do this kind of thing at a friend’s house, I think you need to pull yourself together. You’re still so upset hours later that you decided to write a really long rant about it,” someone commented. “It’s a baby’s ass being changed, is it really that shocking?

Some even felt compelled to share their own stories, telling how they had done so themselves without ever thinking about it – but now they probably won’t.

“I was that friend,” someone wrote. “I went to a friend’s house who didn’t have kids and started changing my baby on the living room floor without even interrupting the conversation. I didn’t even think about what I was doing, it just happened automatically. She didn’t say anything to me at that moment, but I heard her telling her husband later how disgusting it was. And I realized, yeah, that’s actually pretty fair if it’s not your life! So now I’m still asking, but I needed to hear it first to really think about it.”

We would like to know your opinion on this topic.

Would you change your baby’s diaper in front of a friend in their home without asking them?

Or do you find it shocking?