Once we hit puberty, hair starts growing in weird and unexpected areas. There’s nothing wrong with keeping body hair, but with time it can cause bad smell accumulation, irritations, and many more things, that’s why it should be removed from times to time.
To do the job, most people use wax or razor, one is extremely painful and the other has its fair share of risks. Natural is always better, here are 6 natural remedies that can help you remove body hair.
1. Sugar and lemon mixture
This is an age-old method, mix sugar with lemon, then apply the blend to your face in the direction of hair growth and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Use water to wash off the solution and start rubbing your face gently afterward. Make sure to repeat the process 2 to 3 times a week for a couple of weeks.

2. Lentils and potatoes mixture
The lentils and potatoes mixture is very effective when it comes to hair removal. Make sure to let the mixture sit for 30 minutes after applying it to the desired area before rinsing it off.

3. Banana and oatmeal mixture
When you’re done preparing the mixture, apply it to the area you wish to remove hair from and let it sit for 20 minutes. Be sure to do the procedure twice a week.

4. Basil and onion mixture
Apply the blend to the area you wish to remove hair from and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing it off with water. Be sure to do the same procedure 3 to 4 times a weak for a month or so. This method will remove the hair and nourish the skin at the same time.