The Reason Why You Need To Always Prune Peppers And Tomatoes

When you prune tomatoes and peppers, good things happen in your garden! If a simple task in summer can make all the difference in harvesting a healthy, faster-maturing crop, it’s pruning. prune tomatoes Giving light and air is important for plant health Tomatoes and peppers start growing in the wild in the first weeks of summer. The shock of the transplant is over and the hot temperatures cause them to develop at a rapid rate. They seem to launch new stems, leaves and flowers in the blink of an eye. Plants quickly become so thick with the foliage that you can barely, if at all, see through them. And this is where the problems start! While strong growth in early spring and summer is a sign of good health, it can also lead to late season problems. These problems can include everything from mildew to disease, insect infestation and delayed or reduced harvest. Why it is wise to prune tomatoes and peppers Plants that become overgrown, dense and tangled have limited exposure to three essential requirements for healthy living.
  • (1) Circulation,
  • (2) light and
  • (3) water
Plants need good circulation and light for everything from pollination to disease control, maturation, etc. When the growth of tomato and pepper plants becomes overloaded, the air and light are blocked. This air flow is necessary to help control mold and disease. And without light, tomatoes and peppers can have a hard time ripening. Cluttered growth also prevents rainwater or water from a garden hose from reaching the roots. Instead, the strong growth draws water away from the most pressing needs. Finally, when growth is strong, parasites have a much easier time finding a home. Report this ad But by pruning, all of these problems can be controlled, if not completely eliminated. So how much do you prune and where? In fact, it’s very easy and quick to do. Here are some recommendations to keep your plants clean, tidy and healthy.

How to prune tomatoes and peppers

You can prune tomato and pepper plants in the same way. The main thing is to prune the bottom to let the air through and a few branches in the middle to let in some light. The size of the pruning you will need to make depends on the size and variety of the plants. Always use a set of sharp pruners. Dull pruners tear branches and stems and can damage the plant. CLICK NEXT PAGE BELOW TO CONTINUE READING …