The right way to clean your Keurig machine


Keurigs (and other single serve coffee machines) are the ultimate in convenience. Just slide a coffee disc into the machine, push a button, and voila – a hot, instant cup of coffee! While you probably know that traditional coffee machines need to be cleaned every day, do you ever clean your Keurig? They too can clog and accumulate bacteria over time. If you have a Keurig, here’s how to clean it properly.

Thanks to SimpleMost for these great instructions!

source: Global News / AP Images
  1. First, unplug the Keurig machine. Then, remove all washable parts (the water tank, K-cup holder and drip tray) and wash them in hot water.
  2. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the rest of the machine. Once you have washed the removable parts, put them back in place and plug the machine back in.
  3. Next, fill the water tank at least halfway with distilled vinegar. Place a cup in the usual place and start the brewing cycle. Repeat this step until all the vinegar has been used, emptying the vinegar into the cup after each cycle.
source: CNET

4. Lastly, repeat Step 3 but use water to fill the tank instead of vinegar. This will rinse any remaining vinegar from the Keurig’s system.

source: WallDevil / Getty Images

And that’s it! Cleaning your Keurig once every few months will help coffee and bacteria buildup from occurring, and will keep your machine running for years to come. Click here to see SimpleMost’s video showing these steps in action!