Tired Of Excessive Sweating? Try These Helpful Tips!


What can you do about it?

If you want to find a solution for your sweating problem, you should first identify its source. Do you sweat because you’re overweight? Or if you’re scared or stressed because of something? You should always find the source of the problem if you want to cure it. Then, you can check out the following tips to find out how to prevent yourself from sweating a lot:

  • Wear light clothing made of cotton, wool or linen.
  • Don’t drink too much caffeine or alcohol.
  • Avoid heavily seasoned or spicy food.
  • Put on clean clothes more often.
  • Use a deodorant that contains aluminum salts and apply it just before going to bed.
  • Wash regularly but use soap sparingly.
  • Dry yourself well after showering or washing.


If none of these tips helped and you want to get rid of your excessive sweating problem, the only solution that you still have is visiting a physician. According to De Vaal, as much as your sweating is too much, it’s not really that strange and a lot of people have it the same problem, if not worse! So as said before, if your sweating problem isn’t cured by the tips above, visit a physician to get the treatment you need.