Wearing cleats.

Insoles are not just for sports. They can also be very useful when walking or running in the winter. In many places, cleats are sold specifically for this purpose. However, try to choose ones with metal spikes, as these provide the best grip and are easy to slide on the ice, as plastic cleats can’t even bite into the ice.
If you don’t want to go out and spend money on cleats, you can also make your own with some metal screws. Just be careful not to screw them in too deep.
Using kitty litter in your driveway

Many of you who live in areas where you need to salt your roads are probably familiar with this DIY solution. If you wake up in the morning and your driveway is covered in ice, use kitty litter to give you a little extra grip so you don’t spin out or slide into your neighbor’s mailbox. It’s also a good idea to keep an extra bag in your car.
If you’re stuck on an icy road, sprinkle kitty litter under and around your tires to create traction and help you get out of the stuck position.
Invest in a warm water bag

For those of you unfamiliar with hot water bags, most places sell them. You pour hot water into them and they create a warming sensation. They are often used to help with aches and pains and other problems. However, they are also great little heaters in the winter. You can put them under a blanket or hold them close when you sleep.
You can also hold them close when you don’t want to turn on the heat or walk around the house. Add more for more warmth.
To better preserve your boots

There are several items on this list that make use of the pool noodles. However, you may not have thought of this. In fact, pool noodles can help you preserve your boots better. Simply cut off some pool noodles and place them inside the shoe. This will prevent cracks to protect the form, which can be severely damaged by winter water and snow.
Boots are expensive, and you want them to last as long as possible. Besides, who doesn’t love a good pair of winter boots?
Remove ice from doorways

An icy patio or walkway can be dangerous, especially in the early morning when you may not be fully awake. However, a few simple ingredients lying around the house can quickly be used to remove ice from your sidewalk. All you need is a teaspoon of alcohol, some detergent, a bucket of water and some warm water. First, mix everything together in the bucket.
Pouring this mixture on the pavement should remove all the ice from it and prevent it from forming in a relatively short period of time.
Make gloves.

You don’t need to be an expert knitter to make your own gloves. All you need is an old pair of long socks. Just cut them off from the ankle up and use them to make mittens. This DIY is especially good if you don’t have a pair of gloves. It also means you can use the other piece as a sock.
You now have matching socks and gloves. Just remember to make a cutout for the thumb and other fingers on the long part. All you need are two simple holes.
Wrap the shoes in plastic.

This list contains some tips for keeping water and snow off the floor, but what if you want to keep water and snow away from your shoes? All you need are two plastic bags. Wrap the shoes in the bags, tie the ends together, and you have waterproof shoes without the expensive tags. You can also cover your shoes with a plastic bag before you put them on.
This won’t keep your shoes dry, but it will keep your feet dry. It will also prevent your shoes from tearing holes in the bag and getting your feet wet.