Your house gets hot during the summer? Here are 5 simple tricks to keep it cool


Summer is one of the most beloved seasons of all time because it is the season where almost everyone has fun. When winter is finally out, everyone passionately awaits summer, but summer does come with a cost, and it is the heat. Mid-day is so damn hot and everyone is just home relaxing and waiting for the heat wave to pass, and some houses are affected by the heat. So if you live in a hot environment and your house is affected by it, here are 5 tricks that can help you cool the house.

1. Close The Blinds

source: Blinds Hut

Yes, closing the blinds have a huge impact when it comes to keeping your house cool, especially if you have a lot of windows because they are the ones letting the hot sun rays in. To block sunlight, close the blinds during the day to cool down your house a little bit, and if you can get your hands on blackout curtains it can be much more effective.

2. Upgrade Your System

source: Aire Serv

If you have an air conditioning system try to update it from time to time because some times old devices can’t get the job done and they can also drain money out of your pocket due to electricity bills and repairing charges. Try to get a smart thermostat and make sure to insulate your house to make sure that cold air does not fade away through exterior walls. New insulation can be expensive, but it will save you an important amount of money in the long run.

3. Reverse The Ceiling Fan

source: Wirecutter

Some homes (like mine) have ceiling fans, and they might have the reverse property (it means spinning the fan the other way around. If your ceiling fan has this feature, then make sure to activate it because it keeps the hot air directed towards the ceiling, and in result, the lower parts are much cooler.

4. Use The BBQ

source: Epicurious

Ovens in summer can increase your house’s temperature. To solve this problem, buy or use the barbecue grill as much as possible outdoors to make sure that your house stays cool during the day.

5. Plant Shrubs

source: Zacs Garden

Not many people know this, but planting some shrubs and trees around the house is extremely helpful. Apart from the aesthetic and beautiful looks, they will provide shade around your house, and as a result, a cooler house.


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