10 benefits of walking 15 minutes daily


6. Boost the immune system

Individuals who walk at least 20 minutes during 5 days during the week are less likely to develop sickness because walking can actually boost the immune system as shown in a study conducted by Harvard.

7. Eases joint pain

Joint pain can be eased off by any kind of exercise because it keeps the joints lubricated when the body is moving. Walking is a low-impact and easy exercise that can be done anywhere.

8. Will make you regular

If you are constipated, then you should consider walking as treatment because this simple exercise can regulate bowel movements (this happens because walking can affect the GI system).

9. Stops the cravings

Some people desperately look for sweets when feeling stressed or dealing with hard-to-face situations. If you have this kind of cravings, then make sure to go out for a 15-minute walk (this way you’ll end up burning some calories instead of gaining them.

10. Prevents some health conditions

Strengthening the heart can be easily done by any form of exercise because they actually increase circulation and heart rate (this helps you lower your chances of developing heart disease). Walking is an easy exercise that you can do any time and anywhere you like. Furthermore, walking can also lower your chances of developing high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.


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