10 Ways To Use Irish Spring Soap That Have Nothing To Do With Lathering Up


When the laundry starts piling up, the laundry hamper tends to become a bit smelly. Simply place a bar of Irish Spring Soap at the bottom of the hamper to keep stinky laundry smells at bay

8. DIY Car Air Freshener

source: Spannerhead / Motor Trend

To make your car smell clean and fresh, place a bar of Irish Spring Soap inside a Ziploc bag, then place the bag under a seat in your car. This is an effective and cheap way of making your car smell nice.

9. Deodorize Suitcases

source: List Plan It

Suitcases tend to trap smells very quickly, especially when you’re traveling. To keep your belongings and your suitcase smelling fresh, place a bar of Irish Spring Soap in one of the inside compartments.

10. Unsticks Doors

source: ThermaTru Doors

If a door in your house keeps getting stuck in its frame, rub down the edge of the door, the frame, and the hinges with Irish Spring Soap. The soap will help to keep it opening and closing properly.