11 Car Cleaning Hacks That Will Keep Your Vehicle Spotless From Head To Toe


Ask yourself how many times do you clean the inside of your car, not quite so often, right? Leaving the inside of your car so unclean is a common problem. People may think it’s clean but your vehicle can carry a lot of bacteria and bad odors too! That’s why you need to discover these perfect car cleaning hacks.

1. Dust With A Paintbrush

Get rid of dust by getting in those hard-to-reach places, it’s hard t reach dust on your vehicle’s air vents, you can use a foam paintbrush as a dust trapper.

2. Rid Sticker Residue

Spray some WD-40 on the area, if you’ve removed a bumper sticker from your vehicle but are stuck with the left-behind residue. Then, wipe it off with a damp cloth after letting it sit for few moments.

3. Polish Chrome Rims

Try spraying your chrome rims down with a solution of equal parts distilled vinegar and water to make them sparkle. Let it sit for about 10 minutes then wipe everything clean using your damp cloth.

4. Shine Up Headlights

Apply a baking soda and toothpaste to your headlights using an old toothbrush if your they’re looking cloudy. To wipe them clean, use a damp cloth.

5. Deodorize Upholstered Seats

If your vehicle’s cloth seats are stinky, coat them with a generous amount of baking soda. Let the baking soda sit for a few hours before vacuuming it all up.

6. Remove Seat Stains

Start by making a paste with distilled vinegar and baking soda if your vehicle’s cloth seats are also stained. Then, apply the paste to the stains before letting it sit for a few hours. To remove the paste, use a vacuum and a damp cloth.

7. Streak-Free Windshield

Sick and tired of a streaky windshield? Use a cloth to wipe down your windshield wipers with rubbing alcohol.

8. Shine Up Your Dash

Put a small amount of olive oil on a clean cloth to polish a leather dashboard. Rub the olive oil all over the dash.

9. Air Freshener

For a quick and easy DIY air freshener, apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a clothespin. Fasten the clothespin to the front of your car’s air vent, and voila!

10. Clean Your Tires

To thoroughly clean your vehicle’s tires, coat them in a paste made from baking soda and water. After about half an hour, use a hose to rinse off the solution.

11. Screwdriver

Wrap a cloth around the end of a screwdriver to dust and wipe down cracks and crevices within your vehicle.


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