Here Are The 12 most creative Uses Of Sandpaper


Almost everybody has two or three bits of sandpaper lying about their carport or storeroom. You’ve presumably needed to paint something previously, which implies you needed to sand the article being referred to heretofore. However, did you know sandpaper really has a lot of other, helpful uses other than sanding? For the accompanying 12 hints, you don’t have to use new paper; you can simply reuse a piece!

Have you ever thought about using sandpaper for these things?

1. Jars

Keep a bit of sandpaper in one of your kitchen drawers if you can’t open a glass container. The unpleasant surface gives you more grasp on the cover of the container, which implies you’ll have the option to screw it off more effectively.

2. Cutting boards

Do you have a wooden cutting board that never again looks exceptionally engaging? If you’ve been using it for some time, grooves brought about by blades will have showed up in the wood. Small amounts and bits of food can get left behind here and nourishment items can also stain the wood. Softly sand the slicing board with fine sandpaper to make it look all around great and use a non-toxic kind of mineral oil to oil it once more.

3. Cast iron

We don’t prescribe doing this to your best pots or skillet, yet in the event that you have a solid metal container that is beginning to rust, this stunt can be extremely useful. Utilize a touch of sandpaper to sand away the rust. This can likewise work to expel some lopsidedness on the outside of the pot or skillet.

4. Shoes

Dress shoes regularly have extremely smooth bottoms, which can make it simple to slip and slide if you stroll around on them. Sand them with a touch of sandpaper to make more grasp. Thusly, you’re more averse to slip and tumble down.

5. Lint and fluff

Evacuate build up and different bits of cushion from your sweater by scouring it with a bit of sandpaper. To ensure you’re focusing on just a single bearing. The paper will expel the cushion and your sweater will look all-around great once more!

6. Calfskin

If you have a couple of little stains on your calfskin shoes, coat or sack, you can attempt to wipe them out with a bit of sandpaper. The softened cowhide has a harsh surface, so by daintily scouring it with the paper, you may have the option to evacuate the stains without harming the texture.