13 surprising coke uses you should know about


6. Remove bugs from the windshield

While driving, bugs usually fly right into the windshield and they create a mess that is hard to clean. To solve this problem, pour a little bit of coke on the windshield and let it sit for a few moments before scrubbing everything off and rinsing.

7. Defrost your windshield

Apparently, Coca-cola can defrost your windshield during cold weather. Simply pour the soda drink on the ice and it will start slushing, leaving you with ice that can be easily removed without the need of any car warm-ups.

8. Relieve jellyfish or bee sting 

If you have been bitten or stung by a bee or a jellyfish, then you can neutralize the pain using some coke. Simply apply it directly on the painful spot and the pain will start fading out gradually.

9. Clean your grout

If you are dealing with stained grout, then pour coke on it and let it sit for a couple of minutes before scrubbing everything off (the method works because the acid in the soda breaks down the stains).

10. Get rid of skunk smell

If your pet has been sprayed by a skunk, then you can wash it with Coca-cola and the smell will disappear magically.

11. Remove paint

You can use coke to remove pain, you only have to soak a towel in the drink and reapply it to the surface until the paint starts warping. Then you can easily scrape it off without too much effort.

12. Treat headache

If you are dealing with a headache, then the caffeine in a coke can help you deal with it and migraine (only if you caught it in its early stages).

13. To cook

Coca-cola contains an acid that can break down meat perfectly. You can use the soda drink as an addition to the different sauces you use to cook a steak or even pork.


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