13 Things You Didn’t Know About Coca-Cola


8. Relieve jellyfish or bee sting 

Coke has some surprising mending abilities. It can actually neutralize pain that comes from a bee or jellyfish sting. To use the coke, simply apply it directly on the wound and watch the magic happen.

9. Clean your grout

Cleaning grout can be very tricky, but you can use coke to solve this problem. Simply pour it on the grout and let it sit for a couple of minutes before scrubbing. This method is effective because the acid contained in the soda breaks down hard stains.

10. Get rid of skunk smell

If your pet approached a skunk and got sprayed, then you can wash them with Coca-cola to get rid of the nasty smell.

11. Remove paint

To remove paint, simply soak a towel in Coca-cola and start applying it to the surface over and over again until the paint starts fading out until it gets easy to scrap off.

12. Treat headache

Coca-cola contains a good amount of caffeine, an amount that can treat a headache and migraine if caught early.

13. To cook

As mentioned before, Coke contains acids that can do amazing things, in addition to their amazing uses, the acid in Coca-cola can break down the meat, that is why coke is a perfect cooking addition to pork or steak.


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