14 Items That Surprisingly Don’t Need To Be Kept In The Fridge


7. Garlic

Something else that loses its flavor when put away in the fridge? Garlic. You’re in the right situation keeping it put away in a garlic compartment in a cabinet or pantry.

8. Baked Goods

Just like bread, keeping baked goods in the freezer will cause them to go stale faster. It’s smarter to keep biscuits, cakes, and other baked goods at room temperature.

9. Pickles

This may shock you, but pickles really shouldn’t be kept in the fridge. The juice that they are contained in jam them fine and delicious!

10. Salad Dressing

Many salad dressings (particularly the oil and vinaigrette-based ones) shouldn’t be kept in the fridge. Wager that will clear up loads of room on your racks!

11. Jam

Just like pickles and peanut butter, jam is stuffed and loaded with preservatives. In this way, you can feel free to move those jam containers to your storeroom!

12. Sweet Potatoes

It seems normal to store sweet potatoes in the fridge, but it’s smarter to store them in a cool, dark spot in your pantry. The fridge makes their starch transform into sugar, which makes them taste excessively sweet.

13. Ketchup And Mustard

If you have to free up some space in your fridge, there’s no reason to keep ketchup and mustard there. These toppings can last as long as two months in a pantry.

14. Soy Sauce

Soy sauce has such a high sodium level, that there’s no compelling reason to keep it in the fridge. Free up your valuable cooler space for different things!