Genius Kitchen Hacks to make cooking easier


Random Hacks : 

  • Light a Candle while cutting onion: Light a vanilla candle to prevent the onion gases from reaching your eyes and nose; you won’t hate cutting onion anymore!
  • Opening a Jar: If you have a tiny hands and your jars refuses to open! Put a rubber band around the edge of the lid and try again. Magic!
  • Grate your butter: A better way to use your butter, grate it with a cheese grater, add it to the flour and surprise! Everything is combined together perfectly.
  • Got a Crumbling Cake? Take a big bowl, add some fruits and cream to your cake pieces and your trifle is ready!
  • Looking for something to replace muffin tins? Parchment paper is your answer!
  • Keep your saran wrap in the fridge (it keeps it from sticking on itself).
  • Got a thick oily layer on your natural peanut butter? Make sure to store it upside down (this will keep you from stirring every time you needed to use your peanut butter).
  • Stop using knifes to cut soft food! Use dental floss instead (keeps your kitchen from getting messy).

How to Clean your Fridge!!

If your fridge smells like a bad news, maybe it’s time for you to clean it up, follow these steps to get the best results ladies!

First of all, make a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, scrub gently (don’t forget to turn it off first), and rinse with cold water.

For a better smell, vanilla smell? Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract for a minutes then place it in the fridge in a small cup or bowl.

Make sure to wear gloves! Keep your fingers happy!

I’m so happy your made it this far, hope these tips and hacks were so useful for you ladies.

“Cooking is about life. It gives us what we need to keep going, and it gives us something to share with other people.”
― Joan Bauer