3 Ways To Thoroughly Clean Stubbornly Stained Bakeware


2. Aluminum Baking Sheets

Aluminum baking sheets are so difficult to keep clean, yet they look so amazing when they’re all shiny and sparkly. To give some life back to your aluminum baking sheets, this is what you need to do.

First, bring a pot of a solution of water and distilled vinegar to a bubble. When the water has bubbled, expel it from the warmth and let it chill off until it is room temperature. Next, dunk a wipe or scrubbed into the pot and start chipping away at the sheets. When you’re set, wash the preparing sheets as you ordinarily would.

3. Glass Dishware

Is your favorite glass dishware looking somewhat neglected? If so, this means should make it look fresh out of the brand new once more.

Plunge a toothbrush or microfiber wloth into some liquid dish soap. Next, dunk the toothbrush into some baking soda. Apply the blend to any stains on the dish. Let this sit for about thirty minutes, at that point go through a bit of balled tinfoil to clean away at the stains. A short time later, wash the dish like you typically would.

What are you waiting for? Get out that stained and dirty bakeware, and give these awesome cleaning tips a try!