4 ingrown toenails causes and 5 treatments you can use to get rid of them


Ingrown toenails pose a considerable challenge, escalating in pain if left untreated and susceptible to infection. Therefore, it’s imperative to address this issue promptly and effectively. While seeking medical advice is the ideal course of action, it can be costly. To provide a more accessible approach, we outline the primary factors behind ingrown toenails and offer five remedies for alleviating them.


  1. Constricting Footwear: Frequently, occupational demands necessitate snug footwear, which exerts pressure on the toenails, forcing them into the surrounding flesh. Prolonged wear of tight shoes can invariably lead to ingrown toenails.
  2. Improper Trimming: Maintaining toenail hygiene is vital, but incorrect techniques such as trimming them too short or cutting them straight across can precipitate ingrown toenails.
  3. Inherent Curvature: Some individuals possess naturally curved toenails, predisposing them to ingrown toenail issues that result from their innate nail structure.
  4. Trauma: While toenails function to protect the toes, subjecting them to undue force or injury can inadvertently trigger the development of ingrown toenails.


  1. Warm Soaks: A simple yet effective approach involves immersing the affected toe(s) in warm water for approximately 20 minutes, repeated three to four times daily. This helps alleviate discomfort and reduce inflammation.
  2. Nail Elevation: To prevent infection or alleviate an existing one, lift the nail gently after soaking and place a waxed dental floss strand beneath it to maintain separation from the flesh. Regularly replace the dental floss and cover it with a bandage.
  3. Antibiotic Ointment: As a preventive measure against infection, consider applying antibiotic ointment to the affected area.
  4. Adequate Ventilation: Since tight footwear is a significant instigator of ingrown toenails, opt for open-toed or loose-fitting shoes to allow your toes to breathe. Avoid shoes with constricting designs.
  5. Mindful Trimming: If you’re dealing with ingrown toenails, resist the urge to trim them excessively. Instead, let them grow longer than usual to regain better control over their growth.

Addressing ingrown toenails promptly and adopting these measures can help manage the condition and prevent further discomfort or complications.

source of picture : vtc.vn


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