5 grocery tips you’ll wish you’d known before your kids were born


If you have young children, planning a trip to the grocery store can feel like a battle, especially if you have to make the trip without your fellow parent by your side. Between calming the kids’ tantrums, cleaning up messes, trying to avoid germs, and trying to carry a ton of bags and a child, it’s really a wonder more of us don’t have an empty fridge and takeout every night of the week. Even when you do make it, the process is so stressful that we usually have to run out of a staple like toilet paper before we attempt the trip. Is there a way to make it easier? Yes! Thirteen ways, in fact, straight from the clever ladies at What’s Up Moms! Take a look at what they have to say and stop dreading those grocery store runs forever.

Here are some of our favorite grocery store tips:

  1. Cover the handlebars
    All kids love to play with the handlebars of shopping carts. The only problem with touching the handlebars? You guessed it, it’s covered in germs. Often, stores offer antibacterial wipes to clean the handlebars, but you may not want your child to be exposed to these chemicals – the chances of them accidentally ingesting them are pretty high.

Instead, use this quick tip: Cut up an old pool noodle and cover the handlebars. This will create a germ barrier and a safety bumper!

  1. Use the butcher
    It sounds too simple, but most of us don’t think about it. The butcher is in the meat department to help you choose your meats – not just to make suggestions or weigh them for you. If you ask, the butcher will trim the fat from your cut, or even divide the meat into portions according to your family’s preferences. How about instant chicken nuggets? Remember, all you have to do is ask.
  2. Save space in the cart
    When you need space in the grocery cart for food (and also for kids, toys, etc.), there’s no room to waste. That means those recyclable bags you brought in for checkout? They have to go.

Go to the produce section and grab some of those little plastic bags. Use them as rope to tie your shopping bags to the handlebars of your car, and make room for more food. Or for fire trucks.

  1. Twist tie toys
    Probably the worst part of shopping as a parent is entertaining your kids while you try to navigate the store, find deals and plan healthy weekly meals in your head. Sometimes it’s just too much!

Keep your kids (ages three and up, ideally) occupied with one of the twist ties in the produce department. Ask them to wrap and unwrap the tie around the handle or make fun shapes with it! They’ll be busy until it’s time to check out.

  1. Cheerios Necklace
    This is a really cute trick! Avoid spilling the embarrassing snack (which usually results in a meltdown in the middle of the store) by making a little Cheerios necklace out of cereal and dental floss. Kids can snack on the necklace, stay full and preoccupied, without making a mess.