6 wood ash uses you have to know about


Sometimes when you use wood for heating or if you deal with wood a lot, you will always find some wood ash all over the place. The reasonable thing to do is pile up the ash, gather it, then throw it away, but you will be wasting a good amount of minerals.

As you may or may not know, wood ashes are full of minerals and they have a mildly abrasive texture and natural alkalinity that makes them very useful. A lot of these uses are quite unexpected, so without further ado, here are 6 wood as uses you have to know about:

1. Correct Acidic Soil

Wood ash can be used as a soil amendment for acidic soils. It can actually balance the pH levels of acidic soils easily. First, you have to test your soil’s pH level, if it’s lower than usual, then be sure to apply 5 to 10 pounds of ash in every 100 square feet before planting anything. If you already have planted plants, then make sure to give them a good rinse after you’re done applying the ash because it can burn the tender leaves.

2. Boost Your Compost

Wood ash can surprisingly boost your compost’s nutrient-dense microbial environment. Make sure to mix some small porous charcoal chunks with wood ashes to give your compost the amount of oxygen it needs to keep microbes satisfied. This way all of the minerals in the ash are going to be absorbed by the compost.

3. Powder Your Pets

Wood ash can kill fleas and let your pet’s fur smelling good. Make sure to rub the ash into your pet’s coat to get rid of all the small annoying bugs and deodorize their fur.

4. Deodorize Your Chicken Coop

To keep your chicken coop fresh, make sure to put a thick layer of wood ash down in the chicken coop, then add your casual litter to keep it fresh (if you use the deep litter method, then this will be a great help for you).



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