7 castor oil benefits you should know about


Castor oil is extracted from castor beans and it is famous for its pale yellow color and unique taste and smell. The oil contains ricinoleic and triglycerides acid that gives the oil all of its medicinal properties. Without further ado, here are 7 castor oil benefits you should know about.

1. Constipation.

 Castor oil can play the role of intestines’ stimulant, that is why it can relieve constipation. To use it, simply take it orally after consulting a doctor to know the recommended dosage.

2. Relieve dry, itchy skin.

 Castor oil contains a humectant that gives it the ability to hydrate dry skin (it draws moisture from the air. To use castor oil, mix 4 tablespoons of castor oil with carrot seed oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, and 3/4 cup of shea butter. Once done, whip the oil with shea butter until you get a consistent mix, then add in the essential oil and mix a little bit more. Store the mixture in jars and use them whenever you like.

3. Clean face. 

Castor oil is known to be a natural antimicrobial agent that can potentially prevent acne and it is also perfectly thick and won’t create blackheads because it won’t clog your pores. If you have dry skin, mix one-part castor oil with 10 parts camellia oil. If you have oily skin, mix one-part castor oil with 3 parts primrose oil. For combination skin, mix 1 part castor oil with 4 parts argan oil.

4. Treat acne. 

As mentioned before, castor oil can prevent the formation of acne, and can also heal it because of the ricinoleic acid in it. Mix 2 drops of castor oil with a drop of camphor oil and 2 drops of almond oil. Once done, make sure to apply the blend to your face before going to bed and make sure to sleep with it on you. Clean it up once you’re awake before putting on makeup.

5. Add shine and growth to hair.

Castor oil can, surprisingly, help your hair grow faster and healthier. You can make a face mask by mixing a tablespoon of castor oil with juice from half a lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil. Once done, massage the blend through your hair to the tips and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it off.

6. Treat fungus.

As mentioned before, castor oil is a natural antimicrobial agent that can help you treat fungus. In this case, castor oil usage is very simple, all you have to do is warm the castor oil and apply it to the fungal infection before going to bed every single night for an entire week. If one week passed and you still have fungus, use the same method and this time stop until the fungus is gone.

7. Reduce pain in joints.

Castor oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that make it a good joint pain reliever. Simply rub castor oil directly on the painful joints and use a hot pack after using it. Make sure to do this 2 times a week.


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