7 remedies to help you deal with a sour stomach


4. Yogurt and broccoli

Sour stomachs are caused by gastritis most of the time. If you are dealing with the same case, then east a cup of broccoli heads on a daily basis for 8 straight weeks. Or, you can eat yogurt alongside your medical treatment because it increases the effectiveness of the medication due to the bacteria in the yogurt.

5. Heartburn

A mixture of peppermint oil and caraway oil is a very good combination that can help you deal with heartburn.

6. Ground fennel

If you suffer from indigestion, dysentery, and diarrhea, then make the fennel into a tea and start taking it regularly to deal with the aches.

7. Carrot and peppermint juice

Carrot and peppermint juice can help you deal with angry and sour stomachs like a charm. All you have to do is place 4 sliced carrots in 4 cups of water, then boil them up. Once done, add a teaspoon of peppermint, then turn the heat down and let your blend simmer for 15 minutes. Now remove the peppermint and blend the carrots and water. You can also add a pinch of ginger to improve the taste, then drink. This way you will get full use of the extra carrot vitamins and the stomach-soothing properties of peppermint.


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