8 vinegar cleaning tips you should know about


5. Cleaning the toilet

To clean your toilet easily, simply soak some paper towels in vinegar and put them inside of your toilet bowl where there are dirt and stains, let them soak against the stains for a whole hour, then pour vinegar over the commode to clean everything up. If your toilet is too dirty, then let the vinegar sit for an entire night.

6. Clean your jewelry

If you want to clean tarnished silver, then mix a tablespoon of vinegar with 3 drops of dish soap and a tablespoon of water, then soak the jewelry in the solution for 30 minutes. Once the time has passed, scrub off grime and dirt using a toothbrush, then use a microfiber cloth to wipe off the jewelry after rinsing it. This method can be used on diamond rings as well, but sometimes jewelry needs professional cleaning.

7. Cleaning smelly water bottles

Sometimes, if water bottles are not cleaned efficiently, a nasty smell will start forming in them. To solve this problem, pour half a cup of vinegar in the smelly bottle and close its lid. Now give it a good shake and let it sit for 20 minutes. Add in warm water, close the lid again and give it a good shake. The smell should be gone when you’re done.

8. Cleaning a diffuser

You can use vinegar with some other ingredients to clean your essential oil diffuser (and regular diffusers as well). First, fill 3/4th part of the base with water, then add a tablespoon of vinegar and put the top cone on and run it for about 5 minutes and vinegar will actually loosen grime and oil residue. Once done, remove the cone and use a q-tip to loosen the stains and particles more. Put the cone back and run for 3 minutes. Once the time has passed, remove the cone again and scrub it. Once done, throw the mixture in the base and use q-tip to clean it and the small plate an additional time. Once done, use a wet paper towel to clean the exterior and interior surfaces, let it dry before using it again.


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