stop vertigo in its tracks with this simple trick


If you suffer from chronic dizziness or vertigo, you know that treating it is far from simple. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe medication, but that can lead to a whole new set of problems. So if you’re ready to try something new, stay with us here. We’re going to show you a special treatment that is free AND safe enough to do at home by yourself!

But, before we show you this technique, let’s first talk about the background of this condition. Vertigo is not just a simple dizziness; it is a debilitating disease that can have deadly consequences, such as an increased risk of falls and car accidents.

One longtime patient, interviewed by CBS Denver, gives us a glimpse into what life with vertigo is like. “Everything around you moves, it spins,” Sue Rickers explains. “I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t walk, I had to hold onto the wall – and it was very, very scary.”

Fortunately, Sue Rickers was able to find a popular YouTube video by ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Carol Foster in which the doctor uses a special method to eradicate vertigo as soon as the patient feels the first signs of it.

In the clip, the University of Colorado Denver physician explains that dizziness and vertigo usually stem from a complex problem in the inner ear, where a buildup of particles begins to shift with movement, giving the affected person an intense spinning sensation.

Dr. Carol Foster demonstrating vertigo causes

Recognizing this, Dr. Foster experimented and realized that, by using a “twisting, turning” motion, she was able to release the built-up particles, thus alleviating the symptoms of dizziness. She then developed an exercise of sorts for her patients that is so simple that almost anyone can do it at home.

To try this method for yourself:

  1. Get down on your knees so that you are seated on the backs of your heels.
  2. Tilt your head back with your eyes aimed skyward—don’t worry if your dizziness increases momentarily.
  3. While staying on your knees, put your hands on the floor in front of you and let your head hang loose, with your chin slightly tucked in
  4. Turn your head to either your right or left elbow depending upon which ear you need to treat.

Now, this technique is easy to execute once you’ve seen it done first, so it’s important that you achieve the right form in order to reap the benefits. To watch a demonstration of Dr. Foster’s technique in action, be sure to click on CBS Denver’s video below.

And, as a reminder, if you are experiencing chronic dizziness, the FIRST thing that you need to do is see a doctor. Your condition could be a warning sign of something more dangerous. But, if your physician does give you a proper diagnosis along with OK to perform this remedy, then be sure to try it for yourself. We hope it helps!

What do you think of Dr. Foster’s vertigo remedy?

Have you ever tested out this particular technique?

If so, did you find it to be helpful in lessening your symptoms of vertigo? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comment