6 Natural Ways To Treat Tooth Infection

A tooth infection can be a painful thing to deal with, and it can happen because of many reasons like mouth ulcers, cavities, inflammation, or simply gum. The pain generated from the infection can push people into their breaking points. Casual tooth infections are not dangerous, but advanced stages can be extremely dangerous because bacteria can actually find a way to get into your throat, jaw, bloodstream (the absolute worst-case scenario), tongue, and gums. Keep in mind that even after dealing with tooth infections using natural methods, you should also go see a dentist just to make sure that everything is okay.
But first, you should know the symptoms of a tooth infection so that you can identify it before proceeding to any kind of treatment.
  • Redness of the mouth, face or gums
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Pain, including when you chew or swallow
  • Difficulty opening your mouth fully
  • Pus drainage
  • Bad breath
  • Greater mouth sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Fever or chills

Now after knowing the symptoms, here are 6 natural ways to treat tooth infections.

1) Black tea.

Antioxidants can absorb pus and toxins and can effectively treat tooth infections, and black is full of antioxidants, furthermore, it contains echinacea that supports your immune system and helps it get rid of the infection and helps it reduce the inflammation because it is an antihistamine and antibiotic (plays both roles simultaneously). To use black tea, simply soak a tea bag in warm water, then put it on the infected tooth and let it stay in your mouth as long as possible. Once done, use salt water to rinse to get rid of dislodged bacteria.

2) Saltwater. 

Saltwater contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that make it an effective mouthwash. To prepare the best saltwater mouthwash, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in 6 ounces of warm and start swishing it around your affected tooth and spit out the water. Use this method several times a day for better results.

3) Oregano oil.

Oregano oil is an effective bacteria killer due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. There are 2 ways to use oregano oil, the first one is: Mix a quarter cup of warm water with five drops of oregano oil and use the solution as a mouthwash. The second method is: Soak a cotton swab in oregano oil then use it to work the oil onto the infected tooth. Please keep in mind that whatever method you decide to go with, make sure to keep the oregano oil for at least 5 minutes in your mouth.

4) Garlic. 

This method works primarily on children. Place a crushed garlic clove or an uncrushed clove on the infected tooth and start chewing on it to release an oily substance called allicin that will take care of everything for you. Just make sure to brush your teeth right after spitting out the cloves because your breath will be unsupportable.

5) Oil pulling.

This is an ancient practice that proved its effectiveness. Simply take swish two teaspoons of virgin coconut oil around your mouth for 20 minutes to let the auric acid do its job. Auric acid is an antibacterial compound that is found in coconut oil that can treat gingivitis and reduce dental plaque.

6) Hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is a strong germ terminator that can deal with your tooth infection. Make sure to dilute it in water to avoid damaging gums and teeth, then rinse your mouth with the solution for a few minutes before spitting it out. You can add in baking To increase alkalinity in your mouth. Making a paste out of the previous ingredients and applying it to the infected tooth can be really helpful (let the paste sit for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly and that’s it).


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