After Convincing Landlord, Woman Brings The Saddest Stray Cat Home, A Year Later, He’s Unrecognizable


She convinced her landlord with a “no pets” rule that Mister Willis was worth making an exception, and their lives changed forever

Image credits: mrwillisthecat

“Eventually, I decided to ask my landlord for permission to get him, and I was really surprised when I was granted an exception. I brought him home the following day. He went from being the saddest cat to the happiest cat I’ve seen in only a couple of hours. He purred all night long and wouldn’t leave my side.”

Image credits: mrwillisthecat

The first night at home, he wouldn’t stop purring

Image credits: mrwillisthecat

“Mister Willis is FIV positive. It stands for feline immunodeficiency virus and it’s not as scary as it sounds. It basically means that he has a weaker immune system than ‘normal’ cats. When I first got him, he had a cold, ear infection, and eye infection that he got at the shelter. It was a little harder for him to fight it off because he’s FIV+ but he eventually did, and right now, I can’t notice his disease at all. I’m just making sure I’m doing what I can to keep him happy and healthy.”

It’s been a year since Mister Willis found his furrever home, and he’s transformed unrecognizably

Image credits: mrwillisthecat

“I’ve had him for a year now and we’ve had our ups and downs. He was very sick for a while and we had to go to the vet all the time. Luckily, he was able to fight off all the infections and today, he’s a happy and healthy cat.”

Image credits: mrwillisthecat

Image credits: mrwillisthecat