After reading this, you will start bokashi composting


But the interesting point about this method is not its unique features, but the fact that the method is not about composting because the bokashi bucket only puts food scraps through a fermentation process without oxygen which causes microorganisms to pickle scraps instead of breaking them down. To understand this, even more, the obtained compost is infused with good bacterial strains such as non-sulfur bacteria, yeast, and lactic acid. This magical combination produces a yeast-like and sour odor similar to animal silage. The microbes are, in fact, beneficial because they allow garden plants to take in nutritional contents easily.

On the other hand, the bokashi method needs you to do a quite unusual process that is extremely useful (everything will start making sense in a bit). To complete the decomposition process, you have to bury the fermented materials outdoors for a little bit of time. If you are not yet convinced, here are some reasons why you should adopt this method.

  1. The compost will not produce heat, CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gases like
  2. You won’t find it difficult to balance between browns and greens in your compost pile
  3. You won’t trek out outdoor compost piles every day
  4. The compost system will not attract, fruit flies, vermin, and will not produce any kind of odors (you can also keep it inside).
  5. Your house will be more environmentally friendly
  6. You will easily keep food waste out of landfills
  7. The compost is pathogen-free
  8. The system can handle 90 to 99% of food scraps without you sorting things into not compostable and compostable piles
  9. The compost can be used within 6 weeks of starting the process instead of 4 months or more like other systems take.