Banana Bread with honey and applesauce instead of sugar & oil. Delicious & Healthy


I’ve made several banana bread recipes here and I always come back to this one, it is a wonderful standard recipe that you can build upon and customize to your liking. A few pointers…


This is a DENSE bread, the last one I made I actually weighed on my kitchen scale and it came to just under 2 1/2 lbs! This probably due to the 2 1/3 cups mashed bananas; I generally use about 5 medium size bananas but have used a little as three and it still came out good. If you like a lighter cake or muffin type bread, look elsewhere. Mix the ingredients carefully; I use my mixer to cream the butter and sugar and incorporate the eggs, but for the bananas and flour mixture I use a wooden spoon and mix gently until everything has just come together. I also add about 3/4 to 1 cup of chopped walnuts. 350 degrees for 1 hour, 15 minutes works for me but it is extremely important that I watch where my oven racks are positioned, too high in the oven and the bottom will not bake correctly, too low and it burns before the middle it cooked through.

I position my rack one notch lower than direct middle of my oven and it comes out perfectly.

Test with a toothpick in several places for doneness so you don’t mistakenly hit a banana piece and think it is underdone. I think that’s it!


  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda



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