Best Broccoli Casserole Ever


Ever since I’ve been a little child I have always loved broccoli  casserole. My mother would make it so cheesy and yummy! I can recall her whipping up a big baking dish full of the stuff to take to our church’s potluck dinners.

We rarely had any leftovers to take home as everyone always enjoyed eating my mom’s broccoli casserole. I once asked my mother if the casserole was hard to make and she said that it wasn’t and that is why she chose to make it her “dish to pass” so frequently. Now that I’m an adult and have a family of my own I find myself making this exact same casserole to take to church functions and events.

Everyone always raves over how good it is. I found this recipe online the other day and what drew me to it was the picture of the whole broccoli florets in the dish. Usually, I cut mine up so that they are super small but I like the idea of keeping them whole. Enjoy!

1 (20 ounce) bag frozen broccoli cuts
1 (10 3/4 ounce) can cream of mushroom soup
1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese, grated

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