Best way to freeze your soup, broth and beans


Keeping soup, broth and beans in your fridge! What to do?

It may seem like bad news, but stop putting your soups, broth or beans in your refrigerator! It is true that they’ll keep for 2 or 3 days, but you better freeze them before they develop certain flavors you won’t like at all!

And, make sure to remember the ingredients you used in those soups of yours, soup based veggies can last to 4 days in the fridge, but meat based ones last less!

How to re-heat soups, beans and broth?

You can use several ways to re-heat your soups, beans or broth!

  1. Use a crockpot or a slow cooker to re-heat, even though I don’t highly recommend it! But it still works.
  2. Pour everything onto a safe-microwave bowl, cover and microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute! If you feel like the temperature is still low, repeat!
  3. Use the pressure cooker function in the instant pot and cook for 5 minutes.


A day before using your soups or broth, place them in the fridge to defrost! You only have 24 hours to use it or it will



Can you freeze chicken noodle soup?

The best tip to freeze a chicken noodle soup is to freeze them separated; save the soup without the noodles and use fresh noodles every time!

Things are quite simple, aren’t they? You should only memorize the things you need to keep in the freezer, and avoid over cooking the dishes that doesn’t handle being frozen!

Hope this article was rich of knowledge to please your answers and wonderings! Thank you all folks!