DIY solution to get rid of mosquitoes quickly


Mosquitoes are by far the worst aspect of hot weather. They buzz around you with a horrible whine, waiting for the perfect opportunity to land on you, your family and your pets. They only need a few seconds on your skin to leave a nasty bite that will itch for days. To sum up… mosquitoes suck! And they are not easy to get rid of.

If you have a problem with mosquitoes in your outdoor areas, you can light citronella candles and use insecticides. However, these are short-term solutions that are not always very effective. That’s where this DIY solution comes in.

source: BBC

According to Pest Control Technology, Wisdom TC Flowable (a barrier spray found in most hardware and tractor supply shops) is excellent for keeping mosquitoes away. Simply apply the spray to the perimeter of your yard, the foundation of your home, or the shrubbery around your home to control resting adult mosquitoes.

Although mosquito season is coming to an end for some of us, many people are plagued by these pests all year round. If you have tried other methods of getting rid of mosquitoes without success, this cheap, do-it-yourself solution may be worth a try!