Easy Lemon 7­Up Cake


Whenever I make any type of bundt cake, I always think of the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I just love that movie. “What do you mean he don’t eat meat?” “Oh, that’s okay, I make lamb.” There is a scene where Ian’s Mom brings Toula’s family a bundt cake. Toula’s family has never heard of a bundt cake before. “There’s a hole in this cake.” For the life of her, Toula’s Mom cannot figure out how to say it properly. “Boont? Bonk?” She finally decides just to put flowers in the middle where the hole is and leave it at that. So needless to say, ever since I’ve seen that movie, I can’t help but giggle when I pull out the bundt pan to make this 7Up Cake

Easy and moist

You could eat this bundt cake without any icing, it is just so incredibly flavorful and moist but I think the slightly tart icing gives the sweet cake a nice pop of flavor. I just love making desserts like this during these cold days of winter. This 7-Up cake is so sunshine-y and the flavors remind you of a tall glass of cold lemonade.

Recipe and image courtesy of Lisa.M at My Incredible Recipes.

Ingredients :

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