Grow These Native Plants So Your Backyard Birds Can Feast.


Backyard birds are a vital key when it comes to keeping your plants in good and healthy shape because they feed on beetles, mosquitos, caterpillars, grubs, and many more garden pests that endanger your precious plants. Furthermore, the birds can decrease weed levels because they eat the seeds of unwanted plants. Some bird species can also assist in the pollination process of flowers, giving them the ability to grow and produce seed. Without further ado, here are the best plants that can attract backyard birds.

1. Niger

Niger is an annual flowering plant that grows up to six feet. The Ethiopian plant is very easy to grow and can survive in any type of soil with any type of pH. However, it is best to bloom the plant in August because it can produce nutrient-dense seeds containing 10% moisture, 30% fat, 12% sugars, 10% protein, and 10 % fiber.

2. Sunflower

Sunflowers are very pleasant to look at and can add a lovely touch to your garden. They can also attract jays, finches, woodpecker, cardinals, and chickadees. Sunflower seeds are full of minerals and vitamins and can provide 5% water, 20% sugars, 21% protein, 51% fat.

3. Pearl Millet

This small-seeded grass can produce many cones that hold literally thousands of seeds every season. The seeds are 9% water, 4% fat, 11% protein, and 73% carbohydrates. This plant can attract buntings, sparrows, siskins, thrushes, and doves.

4. Chia

Chia is a descendant of the mint family that has a gorgeous look (it can grow up to 6 feet tall and bloom either white or purple clusters). Chia seeds are full of nutrients that backyard birds look for, they are 6% water, 16% protein, 31% fat, and 42% carbohydrates.

5. Zinnia

Zinnia is famous for its long stems and bright hue blooming. This gorgeous plant attracts birds, butterflies, and most importantly, bees. When the flowers fade, they provide good meals for juncos, sparrows, chickadees, and finches.

6. Globe Thistle

This is by far one of the looking plants ever, its purple-blue color is very unique and gives a special look that you can’t really find in any other plant. Furthermore, it is easy to grow and can attract goldfinches as well as keep them fed during the cold winter season.

7. Blackberry

Birds like bluebirds, warblers, mockingbirds, thrushes, and orioles absolutely love blackberries. So consider planting it in your backyard to attract those beautiful birds.

8. Dogwood

Dogwood has many varieties like subshrubs, bushes, trees, and shrubs, you can choose whatever type you like based on your aesthetical point of view. Dogwood can produce drupes that are able to feed over 40 types of birds.

9. Holly

When it’s cold, birds struggle to find edible seeds, but holly shrubs or holly trees can give red berries that are mockingbirds, cardinals, and robins’ favorite snack. There are approximately 600 types of holly, so you have a wide spectrum to choose from.

10. Russian Sage

Russian sage is a plant that flowers from June to October and is famous for its long-blooming perennial and nice smell. It can grow blue-purple flowers on each branch and it can attract butterflies and hummingbirds and other birds as well.

Flowering from June to October, Russian sage is a fragrant, woody, extra-long blooming perennial that resembles lavender. It has an upright, bushy habit with a smattering of bluish purple flowers along each branch. The nectar is popular with butterflies and hummingbirds, while the seed pods will get a lot of attention from the local bird population.


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