Bread is one of humanity’s best inventions, it tastes good, it can be used in many recipes, saves your life if you want to grab a midnight snack, but a stale piece of bread is something we all hate, and eating an entire loaf of bread in a single meal is a hard thing to do. Some people choose to wrap the bread in paper bags and store it on their kitchen counters, but that is not the ideal thing. Let’s find out why.
Another convincing reason is the fact that keeping bread on the counter can make it mouldy very quickly because the room temperature is the ideal temperature for mould growth and development. Mouldy spots will start appearing on the bread after a few days only if left on the kitchen counter and eating mouldy bread is not something you want to do because it will most likely cause an allergic reaction. For this reason alone, I see that storing bread in the freezer and taking out a piece at a time is the ideal thing to do.