Homemade Bread Recipes


Homemade Bread Recipes

Homemade Bread Recipes includes Yeast Breads and Quick Breads for the experienced or beginning cook like Grandma or Mama made.

Quick Breads are quick and easy to make.

They are leavened (made to rise) with baking powder, baking soda, steam or air instead of yeast.

This type of bread includes several kinds of biscuits, muffins, scones, sweet breads, corn bread, old fashioned griddle cakes (aka pancakes), waffles, popovers (aka cream puffs) and coffee cakes.
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Quick Bread Recipes

Yeast Bread Recipes

Yeast Breads depend on yeast for rising, of course.

They include Yeast Rolls (aka Dinner Rolls), other types rolls, old fashioned white loaf bread, some coffee cakes, some doughnuts, pizza crusts and other types of specialty breads.

The best Old fashioned homemade rolls recipe from scratch.

How to make quick with Rapid Rise Yeast with full instructions.
A pleasure from the oven!

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Flour For Homemade Bread Recipes

  1. Cake Flour: It is a soft wheat flour. It is usually whiter than the other types of flour.It is fine textured and has a low gluten content.You can distinguish it from other flours by it’s feel. It feels soft and powdery.If you squeeze a fistful of it in your hand it will hold it’s shape when you open your hand.

    It is used for making light and fluffy cakes, cookies, crackers and pastries.

    Cake flour is not good for making bread.

  2. All-Purpose Flour: It is usually made with a blend of soft wheat and hard wheat. It contains more gluten than cake flour.It is a general purpose flour that can be used for cakes or breads.It is the best flour for homemade biscuits.
  3. Bread Flour: It is a hard wheat flour high in gluten. It used to be available to commercial bakeries only.Because of its’ high gluten content it produces a high rise when mixed with yeast, creating a larger volume and higher quality of bread.

Tip: When using yeast  to make Homemade Bread Recipes always check the date on the label to be sure the yeast is still fresh.


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