How do you add a delicious touch to grilled cheese?


Do you ever find yourself longing for a grilled cheese sandwich that’s more than just the sum of its parts? If you’re seeking a way to add a mouthwatering twist to your classic grilled cheese, you’re in the right place. In this recipe, we’ll unveil a unique method that will transform your grilled cheese into a culinary masterpiece.

Grilled cheese is often hailed as one of the simplest dishes to prepare. The traditional approach involves combining bread and cheese, followed by a quick stint in the frying pan. While there’s nothing wrong with simplicity, the tip we’re about to share will send your grilled cheese sandwich into new realms of flavor.

According to the culinary experts at Pure Wow, the key to a remarkable grilled cheese lies in a surprising ingredient swap – mayonnaise instead of butter. Here’s how to do it: Start by heating a nonstick pan on low heat. Instead of buttering the outer slices of bread, spread a generous, even layer of mayonnaise. Allow the bread to cook until it achieves a perfect golden brown hue, then flip the sandwich and repeat the process on the other side.

You might wonder, what sets mayonnaise apart? Firstly, mayonnaise spreads effortlessly, making it ideal for delicate bread, preventing it from crumbling or tearing. Secondly, mayonnaise boasts a higher smoke point, ensuring it won’t burn as easily as butter. Most importantly, the oil and egg in mayonnaise collaborate to create a beautifully browned crust while imparting a subtle creamy flavor.


Now that you’re armed with this simple yet game-changing technique, your grilled cheese sandwiches will quickly become the favorite meal of your family and friends. The next time you’re yearning for a grilled cheese with a delicious twist, remember the mayonnaise magic that takes this beloved classic to a whole new level of culinary delight. Enjoy your upgraded grilled cheese experience!

SOURCE OF THE PICTURE : Kristy Makes / The Beating Hearth /