How do you determine if the honey sold in stores is “fake”?


Fortunately, the study also found that honey sold in stores modeled after farmers’ markets, such as Trader Joe’s and PCC, contained “the expected total amount of pollen. What does this mean? When it comes to honey, try to buy from farmers’ markets and local sources – there’s a much greater chance that what you’re selling is actually honey.

source: HomeSpun Magazine

You may not think this is so important, but when pollen seeps out of honey, it takes away the appearance of the honey that is really good for us. In addition, this filtration process makes it impossible to trace the source of our honey and makes us wonder what is put in the honey to give it the taste that consumers want. You know that most honey sold in grocery stores is deceptive, so buy local and organic honey to avoid consuming fake and potentially dangerous honey.